What five things should you do to improve the chances of your dissertation being accepted?

Your dissertation is a big deal. It’s the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. It’s also something that you have to produce to complete your doctorate. So, it’s important (and nerve-wracking) to make sure that yours is as good as can be before submitting it for review by an academic panel or thesis committee. Here are five things you should do now if you want your dissertation accepted:

Follow the formatting and submission guidelines.

  • Follow the formatting and submission guidelines to the letter. The dissertation format is a matter of some importance, and though it may seem like a small detail, not following it can lead to significant delays in your acceptance process. Make sure you have all the right files, information, and formatting before you hand in your dissertation.
  • Be open to feedback from your committee members. Your committee members may wish for changes to be made that will improve the quality of your work or make it more accessible for publication purposes; if so, don’t hesitate (or get defensive) about making those changes! 

Your committee members know more about academic writing than anyone else, so listen carefully when they offer their input on how best to revise what you’ve written.

Write for your reader.

The most important advice I can give you is to write for your reader. This sounds simple, but it’s something that many people forget to do. When writing your dissertation, remember who will be reading it.

  • Don’t write for yourself. Don’t write for colleagues or friends who have no connection with the subject matter and have no interest in reading the paper anyway (unless they are asked).
  • Don’t write for your supervisor – they will just read what has been written and send it back marked with comments before passing it on to an anonymous reviewer or panel of reviewers at a journal or conference. Don’t worry if this person reads what you’ve written; they may not even look at most of it! 

The main thing is not getting into trouble by being too critical or controversial! The supervisor’s role is primarily as an advisor rather than an editor; his job is simply checking that everything fits within departmental guidelines.

Get feedback from trusted readers.

Next, you should get feedback from trusted readers. The most important thing is to find someone who is not invested in your success—or at least can be completely honest with you. 

Ideally, they will know you well and have followed the development of your idea over time. They should also have expertise in your subject area and an understanding of the dissertation process. 

This person could be a formal advisor or colleague but may also simply be a friend or family member who has been through this process before themselves (and therefore knows how it works).

Finally, make sure that person knows what they’re doing when it comes to giving constructive criticism: don’t just ask them for their opinion about whether or not something is good enough for publication! Ask them why this part might work better than another section or paragraph; if any parts aren’t working at all; etcetera—in short: focus on specifics so that you can take concrete steps towards improving your work from here on out.

Be willing to revise and rewrite.

A dissertation is never really done; it is a work in progress. You must write the first draft, see what your committee says, revise and rewrite it until everyone agrees it’s ready. 

This can take months or even years. You might think this would make friends and family nervous about the length of time you’ve been working on something for four years—but not so much! You’re still working on it means everything’s going great!

Your advisors will help keep your focus (and theirs) on the main point of each chapter—to strengthen its contribution to both theory development and empirical findings by bringing these elements together in an integrated fashion so as not only to provide an accurate picture but also one which is intellectually satisfying as well as clear enough for readers from diverse backgrounds.

Working hard on your dissertation pays off.

Your dissertation is a long-term project; you need to work hard on it. The last thing you want is your hard work to waste because your project, be it an essay or a dissertation, isn’t accepted for publication. You can get help from custom essay help if you are scared about that. It’s worth taking the time needed before submitting it to ensure you’re ready when the final submission comes around!


The dissertation is an important academic milestone, but it’s also just one step in your long career as a researcher. If you follow these tips and work hard on your dissertation, you will be prepared to write future papers and apply for jobs confidently.

Author Bio

Carmen Troy is a research-based content writer, who works for Cognizantt, a globally recognized professional SEO service and Research Prospect; an 论文和论文写作服务 Mr Carmen holds a PhD degree in mass communication. He loves to express his views on various issues, including education, technology, and more.