Top Tips To Keep Your House Warm and Save Money This Winter

With energy bills being at an all-time high, everyone is looking for ways to save on their bills. Luckily the winter hasn’t been as cold as expected, but in truth, nobody wants a cold home and wants to remain warm throughout the winter. In the UK, many have their heating on from October all the way to April which is when the clocks go back. Heating the homes accounts for over 70% of energy bills, and with everything getting more expensive, not everyone can afford to keep their home warm this winter. In this article, we will go through some tips to keep your home warm and save money this winter. 

Move the sofa

More often than not, people will place their sofa against the radiator. We get it! Everyone has their favourite seating position, but in truth, it is absorbing all the heat from it. When you move the sofa or anything else that is in front of it will allow the heat to spread into the room and circulate. 

Think about your habits

It is all too common and instinctive to put the heating on as soon as you feel the temperature drop, but this can be very expensive. When possible, aim to do all that you can do before putting it on such as a hot water bottle, putting your dressing gown on or closing the blinds, especially in the autumn months. 

If you do turn the heating on, be aware of the temperature that you are on. This is due to the fact that even turning your heating down by one degree will help to save 10% on the fuel bill. 

Use your curtains

The heat from the sun is free, granted you don’t get much in the UK in winter, but it is a great way to let some heat in during the day. So when it’s daylight, allow the curtains to be open, and when it started to get dark, close them. Curtains act as a layer of insulation in your home, this is the same with blackout curtains to keep your room warm. To ensure this works at its maximum potential, ensure that you have no drafts from gaps or any leaks as this can cause dampness. 

Add rugs throughout the home

Uninsulated floors can result in heat loss of up to 10%, combined with any drafts this will ensure that your heating bill is sky-high and you not feeling the benefits. If you have a bare floor and it isn’t insulated, you should think of placing some rugs throughout your home. This not only makes the room look great, but it helps to prevent warm air from escaping and can absorb heat which in turn makes your room warmer.  

Block out draughts

There are many older properties in the UK which means that many don’t have double glazing and doors that are not suited for the cold weather. This in turn lets the warm air escape and also lets the cold air circulate throughout the home. Assess all of your areas that are more likely to have draughts, ensure you have them blocked with draught excluders and cover up all the holes that you see. This is not a long-term solution, but if your budget doesn’t allow further measures, this will do. If your budget does allow for further measures, it is definitely worth investing in new doors and double-glazed windows.