This Is How You Should Tackle A Reckless Driving Charge

Are you charged with reckless driving Or Is your friend in trouble? Superficially appearing as a matter of speeding or violation of traffic laws, reckless driving is way more serious following its consequences. A person who is charged with crossing the speed limit or not stopping in front of the school bus might end up canceling his driving license, or in extreme cases end up in jail. Making it more serious than it might seem to be. Demanding you to hire an experienced reckless driving lawyer. Moreover, it is essential for the attorney to be an expert in his field and must belong to a reliable law firm like The Nova Law Firm.

How Bad Can Reckless Driving Be For You?

Reckless drivers are much more than just getting a traffic ticket. It has many types and their respective penalties. These types are general reckless driving where you tend to be a threat to others, exceeding the speed limit, failure to stop by a school bus or emergency vehicles, and faulty vehicle or violation of traffic laws. Respectively are the punishments of license suspension, fine, or a jail sentence. Moreover, a conviction might lead to

  • Impacting your employment clearance
  • Increase your insurance rates
  • Influence your security clearance
  • Six points off your driver’s license
  • Fines up to $2,500
  • A misdemeanor on your criminal record

How To React To A Traffic Ticket?

Reckless Driving is a Class 1 Misdemeanor in Virginia, which means that it is a criminal charge that cannot go without appearing in court. You cannot just pay off the fine and get rid of the charges. In case you do not appear in court, an order to arrest you will be given. Therefore, requiring you to react rationally to such a situation. Most suitably, until you have a background in criminal defense law it’s better to hire an experienced attorney for your representation in the court. Helping you to secure your privileges and your reputation.

  • Your first response should be looking for an experienced lawyer who could save you from heavy punishments and high costing fines.
  • Get to know about your rights. For instance, according to Virginia’s laws, the prosecutor must prove the proper functionality, precision, and calibration of the officer’s radar, laser, and/or speedometer.
  • As reckless Driving cases are criminal charges, the prosecution must prove you guilty of the charge “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.”

Therefore, it is prudent to hire an attorney with a deep understanding of the traffic laws to sidestep these legal perils. Getting your rights served to you with respect. Moreover, an attorney with years of experience in reckless driving cases will also give the benefit of tackling judges according to their typical approaches. Providing you with chances to elaborate your side of the case in a better way. Saving you from wrong accusations, disrespectful behaviors or large fines, and other extreme consequences.