Have you ever painted your house before? It can be extremely rewarding to paint your house, especially if you start from scratch and try to make it look completely different than it did when you bought it. This guide will help you learn how to paint your house properly, whether you are looking to simply freshen up the color or repaint the entire thing from top to bottom.
Hiring Home Painters
If you’re looking for professional painters in your area, start by calling local real estate agencies and home-improvement stores. Ask if they know of any quality painters. This will save you time from sifting through directories or driving door-to-door asking for estimates. Additionally, if you ask them what type of paint brands and products they prefer, their opinion could end up saving you time and money in selection.
Preparing your home
Make sure your home is ready for paint. First, prime and sand any surfaces that you’re going to paint. You can rent a sander at most rental stores, but I would recommend just getting it done professionally by an experienced painter. Make sure all of your furniture and personal items are removed from walls; otherwise they will be coated in paint as well. If not, consider renting one for $20-50 depending on where you live and what size you need.
Priming your home
If you’re painting over light-colored paint, you must prime your home. Priming a home helps keep surface imperfections and cracks from being exposed and dramatically affects how your final print will look. To prime your home, you can use either an oil-based primer or an acrylic-latex primer, depending on what type of finish you plan on applying afterward. It’s best to consult with experts before painting your home in particular if you’re working with light colors like white or beige. They may recommend priming only certain areas to get rid of specific flaws that could stand out against these bright tones.
Painting your walls
If you’re trying to save money on your energy bill, painting is one of the easiest DIY projects. Choose high-quality paint and brushes. You don’t need expensive paints or tools, but it is worth investing in quality products that will hold up over time. Use primer before you paint, which creates a better seal between layers and improves durability and color retention. For best results, let dry overnight between each coat! Spend another hour sanding any spots that need extra smoothing out before applying your topcoat with a roller or brush.
Preparing for trim, moldings, and doors
Most house painters will agree that doing prep work before painting makes all of the difference in ensuring that your paint job lasts and looks great for many years. The trick is knowing how much prep work is enough since too much preparation can make your house look brand new and not worn or weathered. There are two key rules to keep in mind: Keep everything sanded smooth; don’t leave brush marks or ridges, and make sure nothing will stick when you paint over it. The most common mistake people make on prep work is skimping out on tape.
Picking out your paint color
Picking out paint colors for your house can be fun, but it can also be extremely time-consuming. It’s best if you’re consistent with your color choices so that every room in your house has a common theme. In addition, picking out paint colors should be more about what you want rather than what others want; it will save you from future arguments and prove helpful when you decide on selling or moving into a new place. Get More Help From Rewrite Your Story
Laying out your painting supplies and tape before you begin painting is going to help you get things done much faster, meaning less time standing around. It will also ensure that you don’t accidentally waste time re-doing tasks because you forgot something important. When it comes to working on your house, take as much time preparing in advance as possible so that your job goes smoothly and quickly. Having everything laid out ahead of time will allow you to work efficiently so that you have more free time at home.