
Fiberglass pools have become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to their durability, low maintenance, and ease of installation. Compared to traditional concrete or vinyl liner pools, fiberglass pools offer numerous benefits, including quick installation, cost-effectiveness, and a smooth, non-porous surface. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about fiberglass pool installation, including the benefits, the process, and maintenance.

Benefits of Fiberglass Pools:

Before diving into the installation process, it’s essential to understand why fiberglass pools are a popular choice for homeowners. Here are some benefits of fiberglass pools:

Quick Installation:

Fiberglass pools are pre-fabricated in a factory, which makes the installation process quick and straightforward. Unlike concrete pools, which can take several weeks to install, a fiberglass pool can be installed in a matter of days.


Fiberglass swimming pool are incredibly durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions, such as freeze and thaw cycles. They are also resistant to algae growth and do not require frequent resurfacing like concrete pools.

Low Maintenance:

Fiberglass pools have a smooth, non-porous surface that is easy to clean, making them less prone to staining or discoloration. The lack of rough surfaces also makes it harder for algae to cling to the walls and floor of the pool.


Although fiberglass pools are generally more expensive than vinyl liner pools, they are cheaper than concrete pools in terms of maintenance and repair costs.

The Fiberglass Pool Installation Process:

The installation process of a fiberglass pool involves several steps, including site preparation, delivery, excavation, leveling, and backfilling. Here’s a closer look at each step:

Site Preparation:

The first step in the installation process is site preparation, which involves selecting a location for the pool and obtaining any necessary permits. The installation team will then mark the location of the pool and remove any obstacles that may hinder the installation process.


Once the site is prepared, the fiberglass pool is delivered to the installation site. Fiberglass pools are delivered in one piece, so access to the site should be sufficient to accommodate the delivery truck.


Excavation is the process of digging a hole in the ground that is large enough to accommodate the pool. The excavation should be done according to the specifications provided by the manufacturer. The excavation process can take several hours to complete, depending on the size and shape of the pool.


After excavation, the installation team will level the ground using a laser level to ensure that the pool is installed correctly. If the ground is not level, it may cause problems with the pool’s integrity or drainage.


Once the pool is in place and level, the installation team will backfill around the pool to secure it in place. The backfilling process involves filling the area around the pool with a mixture of dirt and gravel to prevent the pool from shifting.

Plumbing and Electrical Installation:

The final step in the installation process is to connect the plumbing and electrical systems to the pool. The installation team will install the pool’s filtration system, heater, and any other necessary equipment.

Fiberglass Pool Maintenance:

Fiberglass pools require minimal maintenance compared to other types of pools. Here are some tips for maintaining your fiberglass pool:

Regular Cleaning:

Regular cleaning is crucial to maintaining the pool’s appearance and preventing algae growth. You should skim the pool daily, brush the walls and floor weekly, and vacuum the pool as needed.

Water Chemistry:

Maintaining proper water chemistry is essential to the longevity of your pool. You should test the water regularly and adjust the chemical levels as needed. The recommended pH level for fiberglass pools is between 7.2 and 7.8.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals:

Fiberglass pools are sensitive to certain chemicals, such as high levels of chlorine or acid. Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the pool’s surface.

Cover the Pool:

Covering the pool when it’s not in use can help to prevent debris from getting into the pool and reduce evaporation, which can save on water and energy costs.

Check the Filtration System:

The filtration system is an essential component of any pool. Check the system regularly to ensure that it’s working correctly and replace the filters as needed.


Fiberglass pools offer a range of benefits, including durability, low maintenance, and cost-effectiveness. The installation process is relatively quick and straightforward, and the pools require minimal maintenance compared to other types of pools. Regular cleaning and water chemistry testing are essential to maintaining the pool’s appearance and longevity. With proper care and maintenance, a fiberglass pool can provide years of enjoyment for you and your family.