Changing Careers in Your Thirties Can Be Challenging | David Capablanca

Changing careers at any age can be daunting, but it is better to do it sooner rather than later. After all, you will likely have to work your way back up the ladder, especially if you change to another field drastically different from your previous one. That’s why many people often recommend switching careers before thirty, especially if you are unsatisfied with your work.

For instance, let’s assume you were changing careers at 40 or 50. You would have a lot of responsibilities, or you would have come too far in your career to leave everything behind and step into a new field and start from the bottom again. Similarly, changing fields is challenging because you must consider your finances, family situation, mental well-being, and time invested. By changing careers at 30, you have a better chance of excelling in your new profession while still being far enough from retirement age to create a sizable nest egg. Furthermore, it will be fulfilling and help you lead a happy life. There are also chances of a salary increase thanks to the transferable skills you gained in your previous career. 

However, it’s safe to say it won’t be easy. David Capablanca, an architect turned financial trader relates how hard it was for him to switch careers. But not only did he manage it, but he also excelled. He is the founder of Friendly Bear Research which has a podcast and YouTube channel. The Friendly Bear Podcast is on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and all major streaming outlets. It wasn’t easy for him to switch careers, but he had a lot of student debt, and architecture didn’t pay well enough. So, although it was a major challenge, he decided to take a leap of faith, believing it would pay off in the long run. 

Now David Capablanca teaches people by his example. Here is a list of some things that impacted him when he transitioned from an architect to a financial trader.

Dealing with Financial Constraints 

Many people often hesitate to switch careers because of financial constraints. Switching from a secure job that you’ve worked hard for over the years to move to a new field can be daunting, especially if you have dependents. 

Changing your job can temporarily impact a steady income. While you might make as much or more money in the long run, your short-term income will certainly decrease. As a result, many refrain from switching careers because their new profession will likely place them lower on the corporate ladder, especially if they’re transitioning later in life. In such circumstances, it is always better to plan ahead and preferably have savings to help you through tough times.

Learn to Make Sacrifices

You will not be making much money or as much as you used to make for a while. It might cause stress and anxiety since you must alter your lifestyle according to your new reality, but you must be resilient.

Even if the previous career wasn’t fulfilling, it offered a stable income essential for a comfortable life. Leaving a stable job behind means saying goodbye to these benefits. You might even have to settle for less. However, remember that the work that you’d be doing will be satisfactory and fulfilling, especially when the going gets tough. 

Putting in More Effort

It can also take some time for you to get used to this new career change. Younger people may be more skilled than you, which can be disorienting and disheartening. You will have to work harder and devote more energy to overcome this gap. It also means you will be busy, taking time away from your loved ones and hobbies. 

It is clear that a career change at the age of thirty can be scary because of multiple factors. However, it is essential to ease into the process and plan ahead to make the transition easy.