CBSE Class 10 Chemistry exam: Do’s and Don’ts for last minute preparation

Chemistry is a subject that studies substances, its properties and the changes that it undergoes. The syllabus of class 10 Chemistry deals with basic or fundamental concepts of Chemistry. You should be well-acquainted with the syllabus if you want to score well in your class 10 board chemistry exams. You have to plan a strategy so that you can easily cover the syllabus within a short period of time and before your Class 10 board exams. In order to have good expertise in Chemistry, you should be clear with the fundamental or basic concepts. There are five chapters in the syllabus of class 10 chemistry.

  1. Chemical Reactions and Equations
  • Chemical reactions
  • Balanced chemical equation
  • Types of chemical reactions
  • Oxidation and reduction
  1. Acids, Bases, and Salts
  • Acids, bases, and salts
  • Concept of the pH scale
  • Preparation of Sodium Hydroxide
  • Uses of Sodium Hydroxide
  • Bleaching powder
  • Baking soda
  • Washing soda
  • Plaster of Paris
  1. Metals and Non-metals
  • Metals and nonmetals
  • Properties of metals and non-metals
  • Reactivity series
  • Formation and properties of ionic compounds
  • Basic metallurgical processes
  • Corrosion and its prevention
  1. Carbon and its Compounds
  • Carbon compounds
  • Nomenclature of carbon compounds containing functional groups
  • Covalent bonding in carbon compounds
  • Versatile nature of carbon
  • Homologous series
  • Difference between saturated hydrocarbons and unsaturated hydrocarbons
  • Chemical properties of carbon compounds
  • Ethanol and Ethanoic acid
  • Soaps and detergents
  1. Periodic Classifications of Elements
  • Periodic classification of elements: Need for classification
  • Metallic and non-metallic properties
  • Atomic number
  • Valency
  • Modern periodic table, gradation in properties
  • Mendeleev’s Periodic Table
  • Dobereiner’s Triads and Newland’s Law of Octaves
  • Early attempts at classification of elements

The syllabus is designed in such a way so that the students can study it in a systematic way.

Do’s for last minute preparation tips for chemistry exam:

  • Revision: You should revise the chapters thoroughly before the exam. Revise all the class 10 chemistry notes so that you don’t forget the answers in the exam. Without revision, your exam preparation is incomplete. It will help you to remember the important points and other information. Start your revision a few days before the exam. If you revise your chapters properly, you will be able to present the answers correctly in your exam. 
  • Memorizing the diagrams: Chemistry will consist of many diagrams. Try to practice the diagrams few days before the exam. You should also know how to label the diagram correctly. The day before the exam, try to practice the diagrams so that you can easily draw them during your exam.
  • Go through the formulas: Chemistry has many formulas. There will be different questions in your exam that may ask formulas to find the solutions. It is important to memorize the formulas thoroughly and carefully before your exam. If possible, write the formulas on paper, so that you can read them easily before the exam. If you write the formulas correctly, you will score well in your chemistry exam.
  • Carry the essential items: You should carry the important items like pens, pencils, paper, and other items to the exam hall. Put these things in your bag the night before the exam.
  • Read the previous years’ question papers: Go through the previous years’ question papers once before the exam. This will give you an idea of the structure of the question and the answer.
  • Stick to the question: Write the answers according to the given marks. Keep it simple and precise. It may fetch you more marks. Do not write irrelevant and illogical things.
  • Managing your time: Before the exam starts, you should make a plan in your mind on how to manage your time. You should be able to cover the whole question paper within the given time. You can write the long answers first and, then the short answers.
  • Revise your paper: After you have completed writing the paper, make sure you revise it once. If you do not revise it, there may be chances of silly mistakes. Keep some time aside for revising the paper. 
  • Relax: Before writing your exam, you should take enough rest. If you study continuously for many hours, you may forget your answers. Your brain will need some rest to revive the energy. If you relax for a while, you will be able to write your exam without any problem.

Don’ts for last minute preparation tips for the Chemistry exam

  • Do not take stress: If you are stressed and nervous, you may find it difficult to recall the answers in your exam. You may get confused while writing the answers.
  • Do not study the whole night: Do not stay up too or study the whole night before the exam. This might result in anxiety and nervousness. There is a high chance of forgetting and confusion.
  • Do not leave everything to the last minute: You should not leave everything to the last minute. You should try to cover the entire syllabus a few days before the exam. If you do not do so, you may not be able to complete it on the day before the exam. You will not get enough time to complete the syllabus or make notes the night before the exam. You may panic if you leave everything to the last minute. Reserve the days before your exams for revision only.
  • Do not spend too much time on one single topic or chapter: It is important not to dwell too long on one single chapter or topic. If you focus on one particular chapter, you may not get enough time to revise other chapters.

If your exam is near, follow these above tips, so that you can easily answer the question paper without any problem. These tips will also help you to overcome your exam fear. It will help you to face your exam with the right attitude.